- 2017-2021: Initiator -Coordinator of MOU between University of the Aegean and Henan University, Kaifeng, China.
- Initiator of the Research Center for Hellenic Civilization, Henan University and coordinating the Center with Prof Changhong Miao.
- Initiator of the Research Center for Yellow River Cultures, Rhodes, Greece, and Academic Responsible of this Center.
- Founder of the Sino-Hellenic Academic Project (
- AEGEAN MARITIME ARCHAEOLOGY 1st-15th, July, 2013 Andros Island, Greece
- 2016- 2021: Director-Scientific Responsible-Conceptulization: Archaeological & Archaeometrical Investigations at Kastrouli Settlements, near Delphi, Greece ( Systematic excavation project under permit by Ministry of Culture, Greece Archaeometrical Investigations at Kastrouli Settlements, near Delphi, Greece ( Systematic excavation project under permit by Ministry of Culture, Greece
- 1st VAMCT – VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY MUSEUMS and CULTURAL TURISM 25th-28th, September,2013 Delphi,Greece,
- 2nd VAMCT:
- e-Learning in Archaeometry (New Technologies, Conservatuion and Management of Antiquities) (in Greek, 2013)
- e-Learning in Archaeoastronomy 2013-14
- e-Learning in Archaeometry 2013-14 (archaeometry)
Initiator-Director of the Μaster Course (MSc), 18 months, Accredited with 90 ECTS in Greek. Run during 2016-2018. “Applied Archaeological Sciences”.
- McMaster University (Dept of Geology), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Academy of Athens (Research center for Astronomy & Applied Mathematics, Res. Center of Hellenic Philosophy) (Greece),
- University of Athens (Dept of Chemistry, Dept of History & Archaeology, Dept of Geology & Geoenvironment, Dept of Physics) ,
- University of Thessaloniki (Dept of Geology, Dept of Physics, Dept of History & Archaeology),
- Technical University of Crete (Dept of Engineering of Mineral Resources), NCPA Demokritos (Athens),
- National Marine Research Center (Greece),
- Institute of Cultural Technology (Xanthi, Greece),
- Edinburgh University (Dept of Physics, School of Geosciences) (Scotland),
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
- Bordeaux III University (CNRS-Centre Researche Physique Applique Archaelogie,Talance) (France),
- Alexandria University (Dept of Archaelogy) (Egypt),
- New York State University (USA),
- Tennessee University (Dept of Anthropology) (USA ),
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) [official invitation by Dr M.Elam, University of Tennessee, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory 22-28/4/2002 to lecture and collaborate with research team for the dating with water diffusion in glass, Exchange Visitor Program Service No. P-1-0378],
- Virginia State (Dept. of Historical Resources) (USA),
- Rikkyo University, (Japan),
- Yarmouk University (Dept of Archaeology) (Jordan),
- Lamia Higher Tecnological Education Establishment (Dept of Electronics) (Greece),
- Florence University (Dept of Chemistry) (Italy),
- Ohio State University (USA),
- Riso National Lab (Denmark),
- Supreme Archaeological Council (Egypt),
- University of Smyrna (Dept of Archaeology) (Turkey),
- University of Minings & Metallurgy (Poland),
- Sohag University (Conservation) (Egypt),
- Beni Suef University (Egypt)
- Coastal Carolina University (archaeological sciences, digital archaeology, USA)
- University of California San Diego (aegean archaeometry, cyber archaeology) (USA)
- University of Science & Technology of China at Hefei (archaeometry), (China)
- Henan University, Kaifeng, China (Visiting Distinguished Professor).
- NanoMEGAS, Instrumentation Co., Spain-Brussels-Athens (archaeometry)
- Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xian, China (archaeometry-archaeology).
- Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, MATEIS, France (archaeometallurgy)
- SIMAP Laboratory, CNRS-Grenoble Univ., (archaeometallurgy).
- ALBA Synchrotron Light source & Univ. of Barcelona, Spain (archaeometallurgy).
- European Academy of Sciences & Arts, Salzburg, Austria (Science, Education, Innovation).
- Alma matter Europaea University, Maribor, Slovenia (Education, Research).
- University of Patras, Geology Dept (archaeometry, science in art).
- 2000-today:Director (& Founder) of the Laboratory of Archaeometry.
- 2000-2002:Vice-Head of the Temporal Committee of the Dept of Mediterranean Studies.
- 2004-2006:Head of the Dept. of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
- 2004-2006:Member of the Board of Senatus of the University of the Aegean.
- 2004–2006:Member of the Board of School of Human Sciences of the University of the Aegean.
- 2004-2010:Director of the Lab. of Informatics, Dept of Mediterranean Studies.
- 2005-2009:Member of the Temporal General Assembly for the Dept of Archaeology, History & Cultural Management, University of Peloponesse, Kalamata, Greece.
- 2005-2009:Member of the Temporal General Assembly for the Dept of Philology, University of Peloponesse, Kalamata, Greece.
- 2005-2008:Member of the Executive Committee of the National Organization for recognition of higher education Diplomas (Greek NARIC), for the Natural Sciences (participation in various Committees of the Organization for Software Supply (Head) and Conferences)
- 2006-2009:National Expert in the 7th Framework Programme of European Union in the Programme “Cooperation- Socioeconomical Sciences and Humanities”
- 2002-2006:Introduced the subject of Physical Sciences in Archaeology (Archaeometry) to the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) (code no. 1500521537.008.040) and served as the coordinator and examiner.
- 2009-2010:Member of the Temporal General Assembly for the Dept of Regional Economic Development, University of Central Greece, Livadia, Greece.
- 2019-:Member of the Executive Committee of the National Organization for recognition of higher education Diplomas (Greek NARIC), for Distance Learning
- 1978-9 Teaching 2nd year Biology and Physics Students, University of Edinburgh (laboratory demonstrating and tutorial duties, 7 hours/week).
- 1995 (January-.March) Salaried Visiting Professor (Maitre de Conference) University de Bodreaux III, Dept of Physics), Academie de Bordeau, Division de l’ Enseighnement Superieur (teaching archaeometry aspects on postgraduate students).
- 1997 Lecturing at the Masters Degree of Dept of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Oral presentations in more than 100 international or national conferences.
- Lecturing at the European University Center for the Cultural Heritage, Ravello, Italy, in the postgraduate Seminar «Cave & Rural Art”.
- 1981-2 Teaching Army Officers in the Technical Corp, at Patras.
- Organization & Coordination of more than 10 International Conferences in Delphi and Rhodes.
- 1992: Coordinator, Scientific Responsible and Lecturer in the Intensive Course for young Physics Graduates on “Physics & Archaeology” (funded by Ministry of Culture & EU), for the Hellenic Physical Union.
- 1999- today: Teaching Archaeology Students in the Dept of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
- 2010-12: Teaching in Master Degree on ‘Chemistry, Technology & Management of the Environment’ the course ‘Environmental Archaeometry’, Dept of Chemistry, University of Athens.
- 2012-13: Responsible-Coordinator- Tutor, in the e-Learning in Archaeometry (new technologies, conservation and management), Programme of Polynisiotikotita (multiinsularity), University of the Aegean.( ).
- 1999-2021: Teaching a wide range of archaeological sciences, ancient environment, conservation, archaeomaterials, courses at the University of the Aegean.
- 2017-2022: Teaching at the Henan University, China, Environmental Archaeology and Archaeometry courses.
- 2023- : AMEU, Maribor Director of Applied Artificial Intelligence PhD course Direction Archaeology (
1)“New dating method of hydrated obsidian tools”, by M.Diakostamatiou, (awarded, 2003)
2)“Investigation of dating ancient monuments by luminescence”, by A.Vafiadou, (awarded, 2006)
3)“Archaeoastronomical orientation of ancient temples and churches in the Mediterranean (interpretation based on archaeology, history, mythology and religious aspects), by H.Vassiliou, (awarded 2007).
4)“Early archaeometallurgy in the Aegean: contribution to dating of metals”, by I.Arfara, 2010 (expected)
5)“The chromatics of Theophrastus from Eressos: pigment analysis and provenance by spectroscopy techniques”, by T.Katsaros, 2009 (awarded).
6)“Improvement of the obsidian diffusion dating by SIMS-SS by nuclear techniques”, by N.Laskaris, 2010 (awarded).
7) «New Informatics Τechnologies – Virtual Reality in archaeological and archaeometric education, by P.Volonakis (2015- )»
8) “Digital reconstruction of superimposed painted layers of Byzantine icons via MSI imaging techniques” by M Bratitsi (2017- )”
1) Belexis.Th and Panagiotopoulos, V (Univ. of Athens, Dept of Geology, Division of Geothermy- Geophysics (1991) «Radioactive Dating of quaternary sediments by thermoluminescence »
2) Giannopoulou.M (Univ of Athens, Dept of Geology, Lab of Teledetection, 1995) “Investigation of periodical variations of Jupiter’s atmosphere”,(Liritzis, I & Moutsoulas, M)
3) Diagourtas D (Univ of Athens, Dept of Geology, Division Geophysics- Geophermy, 1992) “Correlation Study between Hellenic and Global seismicity”
4) Sotiropoulos, P (Univ of Athens, Dept of Geology, Division Geophysocs- Geothermy, 1992)”Recording and processing of archaeomagneric intensity data”(Liritzis, I & Lagios, E)
5) Alexopoulos, A (Agricultural Univ of Athens, Dept of Plant production, Lab of Agriculture, 1993) “ Variations in the yield of some long cultivations in relation to environmental variables” (Liritzis, I & Karamanos, A).
6) Machera, E (Univ of Athens, Dept of Physics, Division of Astronomy, Mechanics & Astrophysics, 1993)” Aurorae and its dependence from solar and terrestrial phenomena” (Liritzis, I & Antonopoulou, E)
7) Vrettos, S (Univ of Athens, Dept of Physics, Division of Astronomy, Mechanics & Astrophysics, 1994)”Investigation of aurorae during 22nd solar cycle in relation to solar-terrestrial phenomena” (Liritzis, I & Petropoulos, B, Preka, Y).
8) Maragopoulou, A (Univ of Athens, Dept of Physics, Division of Astronomy, Mechanics & Astrophysics, 1995)”Investigation of brightness variation in equatorial regions in Jupiter’s atmosphere” (Liritzis, I & Preka, Y, Petropoulos, B).
9) Kostopoulos, K (Univ of Athens, Dept of Physics, 1996)”A Study on the variation of parameters regarding Jupiter’s great red spot” (Liritzis, Preka, Y, Petropoulos, B)
10) Andrianopoulos, N (Univ of Athens, Dept of Physics, 1996) “ Investigation of the periodical variation on X Rays from solar flares” (Liritzis, I Preka, Y, Petropoulos, B).
11) Koliadi, M (Univ. of the Aegean, Dept of Mediterranean Studies) (2003) «Archaeological and archaeometrical study of temple complex Seti A in Abydos, Egypt »
12) Nousia, M (Univ. of the Aegean, Dept of Mediterranean Studies) (2004) «Dating methods in archaeometry: new perspective and directions in dating methods of obsidian hydration, radiocarbon and optical- thermo-luminescence»
13) Eleftheriou, P (Univ. of the Aegean, Dept of Mediterranean Studies) (2004) «Pigments and painting in sepulchral monuments of Hellenistic period- Chemical analyses from Rhodes necropolis» (co-supervised with M.Stefanakis)
14) Kontopoulos.I, (Univ of the Aegean, Dept of Mediterranean Studies) (2008) “Geophysical prospection at the Acropolis of Rhodes”
15) Αntoniadou Christina (Univ of the Aegean, Dept of Mediterranean Studies) (2011) “The Dynasties of Middle and New Kingdom: Achivements & Chronology”(co-supervisor with P.Kousoulis)
16) Belen Castro Martin (Univ of the Aegean, Lab of Archaeometry) (2013), “Calendars in Eastern Mediterranean: Ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia”
17) Anna Kalaitzaki (Univ of the Aegean, Lab of Archaeometry) (2013) “Ancient Porphyra: trade and archaeometrical analysis”
18) Konstantina Anagnostou (Univ of the Aegean, Lab of Archaeometry) (2013-14) “Sarakenos Cave (Kopais lake, Boeotia, Greece): the contribution of microphorphological analysis to stratigraphy.
Prof Liritzis’ Initiatives to establish & promote Egyptology in Greece (Dept of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece)
The Department of Mediterranean Studies is the only Department of Greek Universities established institutions that deals with the science of Egyptology offering specialized undergraduate courses in history, language (hieroglyphics) and archeology of ancient Egypt and the Middle East performing in collaboration with leading universities and research Egyptology centers from abroad and in Egypt, with significant archaeological, archaeometric archaeognostic projects in Egypt from 1999 to today. The Project is active after the Prof Liritzis retirement in 2021:
Τhe emergence of Egyptology in the University of the Aegean
- 1999: Establishment of the research Institute in Alexandria by the Univ of the Aegean and the President of the Hellenic Society at Alexandria Mr S Tambakis. Signed Protocole and offering of the classical building Zervoudakios School to host the Institute. (The Protocol was not realized by the new President successor of Mr Tambakis).
- 1999-2003: Prof Liritzis appointed young Greek Egyptologist to teach Egyptology and promoted the subject to a new chair the first in Greek Universities.
- 1999-2004: Active collaboration between Supreme Council of Egypt and Prof Liritzis, granted permit to sample Egyptian monuments and application of surface luminescence dating method (1st PhD on dating on Egyptian monuments, which was successfully defended in 2005 by Dr A.Vafiadou and relevant publications).
- 2000-2003: Approved (EU co-funded) Project Interreg II, named GAIA (linguistics, archaeology, history, archaeometry) collaboration between Alexandria University, Yarmouk University and The University of the Aegean (scientific responsible Prof Ioannis Liritzis).
- 2003-2005: Supported newly appointed Egyptologist to get a post-doc State Foundation Scholarship at the University of the Aegean, as well as, to lead a successfully approved (EU co funded) project of programme “Pythagoras” entitled “Greece-Egypt during antiquity: Historical and Archaeological study with the aid of natural sciences”. Formation of the first Research Group of Greco-Egyptian Archaeology.
- 2009: Initiator of a Protocol of Collaboration between Sohag University and Aegean University on Nov 2009 signed by Prof Liritzis and Dr El Gohary and the rectors of the two Universities
- 2009: Initiator of a Protocol of Collaboration between Beni Suef University and Aegean University signed by Prof Liritzis and Dr M.Metawa and the reactors of the two Universities on Febr 09 in Beni Suef and May 09 in Mytilini.
- 2009-10: Invited Speaker at Sohag (2009) and Cairo (2010) Universities and presentation of honourable plaques to Prof Liritzis.
- 2010: Research Project on the study of astronomical Orientations and Dating of Nawamis at Southern Sinai and on ancient Near East & Egypt- Aegean interactions (2010) with late Prof. MOSSALAM SHALTOUT.
- 2013: From the above, as a result was the Formation of the first Research Group of Greco-Egyptian Programme: UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE PROJECT INITIATIVE AT EGYPT (UA-ASPIE) 1999-2013.
- 2013-2019: Publishing issues. He serves in the Editorial Board Member of the Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies (Sohag), and Advanced Research in Conservation Science (ARCS), Cairo University.
- Research Project on the study of astronomical Orientations and Dating of Nawamis at Southern Sinai in collaboration with Prof. M.Saltout (First part terminated 2010. Project ended 2021)
- Research Project on Dating & Conservation of Egyptian Monuments (long standing project 2000-2021)
- 2000-2021: Greek-Egyptian & Near East Cultural links, 3000 BC – Today (archaeology, philosophy, history, philology, trade, migration, colonization, mythology, diffusion of ideas via new technologies and natural sciences).
The UoA-ASPIE consists of the following specialists who participate or are external advisors in the new or ongoing project:
Director/ Coordinator: Professor Ioannis Liritzis, PhD (Edin)
Research Team:
1) Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. El-Gohary
Prof. of Stones and Archaeological Buildings Conservation
Chairman of Conservation dept. – Sohag Univ. Egypt
Manager of Sohag University Publication Center (SUPC)
Consultant of Archaeological and Conservation Studies and Research Center (ACSRC)
Editor in Chief of Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies (EJARS)
E-mail: m_1968_
2) Dr Hoda El Khouly,
Dept of Philosophy, Cairo University, Egypt (philosophy, philology)
3) Dr Omar Abdel-Kareem
Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt (
4) Prof. Gomaa Abdel-Maksoud
Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt (
5) Dr Terek Nazel
Assoc.Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Tarek Nazel
Head of the Conservation Department,
Faculty of Fine Arts, Minia University, Egypt (
6) Dr Ibrahim El-Rifai
Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage – CULTNAT, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Giza, Egypt (
7) Dr Mark Lehner
Research associate of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, as well as of the Semitic Museum at Harvard University. President of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERE) (
8) Dr Maher A. Eissa
Lecturer of Egyptology (Ancient Egyptian Language)
Fayoum University, Faculty of Archaeology, Egyptology Department
9) Willeke Wendrich
Prof. Egyptian Archaeology UCLA
Dept. of NELC / Cotsen Institute of Archaeology
397 Humanities Building
415 Portola Plaza
PO Box 951511
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1511
+1 310 206 1496
10) Prof Eric Cline
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
Director, GWU Capitol Archaeological Institute
The George Washington University
345 Phillips Hall, 801 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20052
(202) 994-0316; (202) 994-2156 (Fax)
11) Professor Dr. Magda El-Nowieemy,
Graeco-Roman Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Alexandria,
Egypt (
12) Professor Fatma Helmi, Archaeology & Conservation Dept Cairo University.
13) Dr Ahmed Mansour, Deputy Director, Writing and Scripts Center, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (
2021: 2nd International Sino-Hellenic Conference on Global Issues of Environment & Culture, Delphi (online). President & Coordinator Prof Ioannis Liritzis.
2022: European Academy of Sciences& Arts. 2 years Colloquia on Science meets Arts & Arts Meet Science, by Dean Prof I Liritzis Class IV (Natural Sciences) & Prof V.Dinescu Dean Class III (Arts).
2023: 1st Video Conversation on STEM in Education, Research and Innovation. Ioannis Liritzis coordinator of Expert Group of the Task Force of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts with Prof Andrew Balas, Augusta Univ, Member of EASA (
2023: 2nd Video Conversation on AI and Ethics in Education, Research and Innovation. Ioannis Liritzis coordinator of Expert Group of the Task Force of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts with Prof Ulrich Hemel Tubingen Univ, Member of EASA (
2024: Coordinator of the new Expert Group in the European Academy of Sciences & Arts, on STEM in Arts & Culture. Presentation of Workshop on this subject, 5 April, Salzburg (
- One Day Meeting: «Aegean: Cradle of western civilization», 23 June 1998. Univ of the Aegean & Panhellenic Club of Sailing Open Seas (PCSOS), Mikrolimano, Pireus,
- Proceedings edited by I.Liritzis, Dept of Mediterranean Studies, Univ of the Aegean, & PCSOS (in Greek)
- Liritzis, I & Sakkas, Y (editors) 2 Day Meeting on the “Role & physiognomy of the new Dept of Mediterranean Studies”, 5-6 December 1998, Rhodes, Dept of Mediterranean Studies, Univ of the Aegean.
- European Research Workshop “Archaeometry in Archaeology: New trends”, 3-6 November 1999, Rhodes. Special Issue at Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol 247, No3, 2001. Guest Editor I. Liritzis.
- International Conference “Archaeology and Environment in Dodecanese: Research and Cultural Tourism”, 2-4 November 2000, Rhodes. Proceedings edited by I. Liritzis, Dept of Mediterranean Studies, Univ of the Aegean (2002).
- Archaeological Workshop: “The Aegean basin between the Balkans, Anatolia and Near East: Local experimentations and outward interactions in an island society”, within the frame of INTERREG II Programme, 23th March 2001, Rhodes, proceedings by I.Liritzis & A.Sampson, Rhodes Dept of Mediterranean Studies, Univ of the Aegean (2001).
- International Conference “Religion and Rationalism in Ancient Greece”, 25-29 May 2001, Rhodes. University of the Aegean, Dept. of Mediterranean Studies and CIERGA International association.
- 1-Day Workshop Seminar on « Literature, thinking and philosophical trends: can we speak of a center and a region in Europe? What is the role of thinkers?» along the frame of program «CULTURE 2000, EU Programme: Literature approach », 8 March 2002, Rhodes, International Center of Writers & Translators, Rhodes, University of the Aegean, Dept of Mediterranean Studies.
- International Conference: Settlers and Settlements in Greece, 9000-1000 BC, Rhodes 7-11 October 2002. Organised by the Lab of Archaeometry, Dept of Mediterranean Studies, Proceedings edited by I Liritzis..
- Melos International Workshop “Recent Advances in Obsidian Dating and Characterization”, 2-6 July 2003, Melos island, Greece. University of the Aegean, Dept. of Mediterranean Studies, Laboratory of Archaeometry, co organised with International Association for Obsidian Studies (Ι.Α.O.S.).
- 1 Day Seminar «Application of informatics in archaeology» in the frame of action «Restructuring Undergraduate Syllabus of Dept of Mediterranean Studies» EU-Ministry of Education Programme, 28 October 2004.
- International Conference: ‘The Archaeology of World Megalithic Cultures’, ” Theme Session: EuroMediterranean Megalithic Cultures, 5000-1300 B.C.”, Rhodes 28-31 October 2004.
- Application of Informatics in Archaeology (28-10-2005). Organised by Archaeology Division- Lab of Informatics (Director Prof I Liritzis) & Student Union,.
International Workshop: The Impact of Natural Catastrophes on Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations” 28-30 October 2005 Island of Rhodes, Greece (Some presentations after peer review are published in MAA issues.) - 2 Day Meeting in the frame of EU Programme «Local initiatives & employment» Measure 4.1 «Actions on promotion of employment & actions on education » Enterprise Regional Programme of Southern Aegean 2000-2006 entitled «Cultural Tourism in the 3rd Millennium: Rhodes- Employment- Culture », 17-18 March, 2006, Rhodes, Municipality of Rhodes, University of the Aegean, et al Agents of Public & Private Sector. Proceedings edited by I.Liritzis.
- International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, SEAC2006, “Ancient Watching at Cosmic Space and Observation of Astronomical Phenomena”, 6-10 April, 2006, Rhodes, Greece (Those Presentations peer reviewed and accepted are published in Special Issue of MAA, Vol.6, No.3, 2006, Editor I. Liritzis)
- Open Seminar Statistical Elaboration of Archaeometrical data in collaboration with Dr I.Papageorgiou, Univ of Athens, Dept of Statistics. 29 & 30 May 2006, Lab of Archaeometry, Rhodes.
- 1 Day Meeting: «New Technologies in the archaeognostic sciences », in the frame of Action «Restructuring Undergraduate Syllabus of the Dept of Mediterranean Studies of EU- Ministry of Education Programme, 24 October 2006, Rhodes.
- INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIZED WORKSHOP. The dating and Provenance of Obsidian and Ancient Manufactured Glasses. Delphi, Greece, 21-24 February 2008. Lab. of Archaeometry, Dept of Mediterranean Studies, Univ of the Aegean, Rhodes and Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources Richmond, Virginia, USA. Publ.New Mexico Press, Editors I.Liritzis & Chris Stevenson.
- 1 Day Meeting: «Towards a spiritual chart of the Aegean », 22/09/2008, Ianos Hall, Athens, Initiative by Members of the Univ of the Aegean, Proceedings edited by Liritzis, I & Rousos-Papadakis, E.
- International Symposium on: «Styria Gaia: The archaeology of Southern Euboea», 3-5 July 2009, Styra Euboea, Municipality of Styra & University of the AegeanLab of Archaeometry, Proceedings as a Special Issue of Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, Vol.10, No.3, edited by Editor in Chief I .Liritzis, Guest Editor Dr R. Keller.
- 1st Luminescence in Archaeology International (L.A.I.S.) Symposium, 9-12 September 2009, Delphi, Greece. University of the Aegean, N.C.S.R. Demokritos, University of Peloponnese, Technological Educational Institute of Lamia. President of the permanent committee of LAIS, I.Liritzis. Special Issue in Med. Archeol.Archeom, with guest editor Dr N.Zacharias.
- Initiator of a Protocole of Collaboration between Sohag University and Aegean University on Nov 2009 signed by Prof Liritzis and Dr El Gohary and the rectors of the two Universities
- Initiator of a Protocole of Collaboration between Beni Suef University and Aegean University signed by Prof Liritzis and Dr M.Metawa and the reactors of the two Universities on Febr 09 in Beni Suef and May 09 in Mytilini
- International Workshop on VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY: Museums & Cultural Tourism 25-28 September, 2013 Delphi, Greece Organizer: University of the Aegean, Dept. of Mediterranean Studies, Laboratory of Archaeometry, in collaboration with: The University of the Aegean, Dept. of Product and Systems Design Engineering, Research Center “ATHENA”- Xanthi, Dept. of Digital Cultural Heritage «Klepsydra”, Duke University, Dept. of Classical Studies (USA), UNDER THE AEGIS OF THE GREEK MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, RELIGION, & SPORTS.
- 2nd International Symposium, L.A.I.S. 2012 LISBON,, GeoLuC, UCQR, Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, EN10, 2686-953 Sacavem, Portugal. President of LAIS series Prof Ioannis Liritzis.
- 2021: 2nd Sino-Hellenic Intern. Conf. On “Global Issues on Environment & Culture” (Delphi, Greece). President & Coordinator Prof. Ioannis Liritzis.
- 2022: European Academy of Sciences& Arts. 2 years Colloquia on Science meets Arts & Arts Meet Science, by Dean Prof I Liritzis Class IV (Natural Sciences) & Prof V.Dinescu Dean Class III (Arts).
- 2023: 1st Video Conversation on STEM in Education, Research and Innovation. Ioannis Liritzis coordinator of Expert Group of the Task Force of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts with Prof Andrew, Augusta Univ, Member of EASA (
- 2023: 2nd Video Conversation on AI and Ethics in Education, Research and Innovation. Ioannis Liritzis coordinator of Expert Group of the Task Force of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts with Prof Ulrich Hemel Tubingen Univ, Member of EASA (
1.Obsidian Summit International Workshop, 2-3 Sept 2004, Rikkyo University, Tokyo Japan. (& Session at Meiji: Meiji Univ, Meiji Univ Institute of Humanities, Meiji Univ Center for Obsidian & Lithic Studies).
2. University of Sohag, Egypt, Dept of Conservation Studies, Faculty of Arts, 30 Oct 2009. Talk on ‘Conservation and Archaeometry and Pigment Analysis of mural paintings’.
3. Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, 2nd Asian-Pacific Luminescence & ESR Dating, 11-26 Nov 2009. Talk on ‘Surface luminescence dating : an overview’
4. 6th Symposium of Intensive Medicine Care of Military Forces, 30-31 May 2008, Athens. Talk on ‘Discovering the past with physics’
5. Hellenic Archaeometry Association & Ministry of Culture, Natural Sciences & archaeological materials, The institutes of research discuss and propose. 7 May 2007 Athens, Talk on the “Initiation of a National Archaeometry Network”.
6. 9th Intern Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Porto 27-30 April 2008. Talk on Diffusion phenomena in non crystalline obsidian samples and applications in the dating of ancient obsidian tools by SIMS and FT-IR co authored).
7. Aegean nanoscience and nanotechnology Workshop. 2nd International Conference from “Nanoparticles & nanomaterials to nanodevices & nanosystems”, Rhodes 28 June- 3 July 2009. Talk on “From micron to nano scale in rhyolites: SEM, PLM and AFM in obsidian hydration dating by SIMS-SS.(
8. Exploring the Maltese Prehistoric Temple Culture, 25-27 Sept 2003 Malta. Talk on ‘Luminescence dating of megalithic monuments’. (
9. Intern. Conference Egypt and the Mediterranean Countries: Historical ties and a future vision, Beni Suef University 2-4 April 2009, Under the Patronage f Minister of Higher Education, Talk on ‘the Role of archaeometry to cultural heritage, tourism and diplomacy.’
10. 3 Days Seminar on Environmental Education, Center for Environmental Education, Amfissa, Central Greece, on “Climatic Changes & Environment”, 27-29 March 2009, Talk on ” Palaeoclimate and Astronomy”.
11. 1st Regional STACHEM (Science & Technology for archaeology & Cultural Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean, EU funded FP7 project) Workshop on Inrfastructures in Natural & Material Sciences in Archaeology, 8th May 2009 Xanthi, Greece. Talk on ‘Coordination of network activities and initiatives on archaeometry’.
12. Invited Professor at University of Cairo, Egypt, Spring 2010, Faculty of Archaeology, Dept of Conservation.
13. Invited Speaker 2nd Symposium on Archaeological Research & New Technologies, ARCH_RNT, Dept of History, Archaeology & Cultural Management, Univ of Peloponnese, Kalamata, 21 – 23 Oct, 2010
14. In Where does Agriculture stands on? Summer Ecological School, Interdisciplinary Institute of Environmental Research, Samothrace, 4-8 July 2010.
15. Art Collectors & Collections, 2nd Round of Lectures Theocharakis Foundations Athens, 24 Jan-7 Febr 2011.
16. Greek Regionalists Conference on the “Future of Regional development and Urban planning in Greece”, Delphi 24-25 Febr 2012. (Organised by several agents, Responsible: Dr Ladias Univ of Central Greece).
17. Plenary Lecture at 2nd Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposia, LAIS2012, Liosbon, 5-7 Sept 2012. ‘Updating of radiation dose-rate conversion factors: a critical re-evaluation”
18. Invited Lecture at 3rd ARCH_RNT (Archaeological Research & New Technologies) University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, 3-5 Oct 2012, “Dating by Obsidian Hydration: Recent data and new prospectives, Dept of History, Archaeology & Cultural Management, Univ of Peloponnese, Kalamata, 21 – 23 Oct, 2012, Abstract Book, 39-40.
19. 6th Symposium of Hellenic Archaeometry association Athens 16-18 May 2013 Liritzis et al., “Prehistoric Delphi: Luminescence dating on ceramics and stone from Koumoula (Livadhi Valley, Parnassus mountain, Delphi, Greece)” Abstract Book, p.37 (
20. Invited to serve on the International Program Committee (IPC) of Digital Heritage 2013 International Congress held in Marseille, France, from Oct,28th to
Nov,1st,2013 (
21. Invited visiting distinguished professor at California University at San Diego (Qualcom Inst & Center of Hellenic Studies & Dept of Anthropology, USA), participation to UCSD-University of the Aegean Workshop (29 Oct – 2 Nov 2014)
22. Invited visiting distinguished professor at Coastal Carolina University, Edwards College of Visual Arts, USA (22 Oct-29 Oct. 2014, presented five lectures).
23. 5-19 April 2015, Visiting Distinguished Prof in the University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Archaeometry Laboratory
24. 4-19 April 2015. Invited distinguished scholar at University of Science & Technology of China, at Hefei. Lecturing and research initiatives with Prof Z.Jin and staff.
25. 2nd VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY 31 May-4 June 2015 Intern. Conference at St Petersburg Russia, Invited Keynote Speaker. (
– Honorary Professor at the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts, Russia. Participation in the conference “Modernization of Culture: Paradigms of Cultural Changes” (22-23 May, 2014, Samara, Russia) as Guest Speaker and Exploration of Collaboration.
– Meeting in Samara Institute – Higher School of Privatization and Enterprise, 23 May 2014,
SAMARA 23 May 2014 Journal Seminar Creative Economics & Social Innovations
27. Ιnvited Keynote Speaker: 10th High-End Forum of Yellow River Studies with foci on “Climate Change, Yellow River Dynamics and Human Civilization in Central Plain of China”, Kaifeng City of Henan Province (China) June 22-24, 2018.
28. Invited: 8 June 2022, Xiamen University, Conservation Science Laboratory, Department of History, College of Humanities, Title: Archaeometry: brief overview and advancements.
29. Invited May 25, 2022 [Online] by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Colloquium, Tubingen University, Title: Archaeometry: brief overview (
30. Invited May 18, 2022 [Online], by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Colloquium, Tubingen University, Title: “Pythian Games & Pythiad, “European Delphic Intellectual Movement. A Celebration of Antiquity Reimagined: Delphic Festivals”–Dc&list=PLsYpzz3J1IRnvgQ890nr0Zv–37sUsnzF&index=27&t=224s;–einrichtungen/carl–friedrich–vonweizsaecker–zentrum/news–und–events/carl–friedrich–von–weizsaeckerkolloquium/
31. Liritzis I (2023) Parallel Cradles of Civilization: The example between the Lower Yangtze River and Aegean Sea in the third millennium BC. The International “Chinese Language Day” Event, Athens 29 April 2023, Athens Club (Chinese Embassy Athens Greece).
32. It’s All About People: In Service of Sustainability and Dignity,The 12th Annual Conference of Europe’s Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars, 8-13 March 2024, AMEU, Maribor, Slovenia. Invited Speaker in two Plenary sessions. Plenary session 1: Innovation and Education For Europe. Lecture: “Critical issues in education and innovation”, 2. Plenary Session 2: Lecture: “Remarks on the repeated past major climatic events (mythological deluges, hydraulic works) and thoughts of resilience and mitigation”.
33. The 19th China Annual Conference of Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, CFAI 2024. Date: 28-29th of September, 2024. Location: Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. Venue: International Conference Center, NPU, NO. 127 West Youyi Road. Invited Keynote speaker “ Can we speak of AI in archaeology?”, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China Sept 2024.